As an intern, I realized a lot as I do the things that a teacher does every day and it's not easy. A lot of paperwork needs to comply with tools that need to create so that a teacher can give quality teaching to their students. 

Every day I always pray that God will guide me to do the right things and do my tasks accordingly. I also pray that God will touch the student's hearts and also my cooperating teacher will guide me through my internship journey.

Today was a busy day for teachers and also us interns because the division will be conducting an OBE or OPLAN BISITA SKWELA to the school. They already prepared the things that they needed for the evaluation. We intern just do our part we comply with our requirements like internship books, Lesson plan, and blogs because we have extra time. Our CTs will be the ones to lecture because they are the ones who will be given points and also evaluated. 

It's Monday and they will be having a flag ceremony. 

Printing Evaluation sheet for the teachers. 
